Thursday 18 December 2008

Hi Sarah
I think this set up will be much easier to use, thanks for sorting it out.
I hope every one has a lovely Christmas whether here or away. Carol singing starts around CG village tomorrow night, so if any one wants to join in meet at the Chapel gates at about 6.30pm.

Trying out the BLOG

Hey, a school blog, well done Sarah!

Last day in school tomorrow, hope everyone has a great Christmas.

Perry N

finding my way around!!!!!!!

I am still trying to work out how this works as havent used it before hahahah

Making this site a bit more interactive...

Hello all.

To make this site a bit more interactive and open to all, I have sent an 'invitation' to everyone on the school newsletter mailing list to become a contributor. This means that anyone who signs up can start their own discussions, rather than commenting posts from me.

I hope you will agree this is better for all and is what I initially thought it would be like but because I wasn't sure how to set it up I got it a bit wrong. Theres a surprise.

